What is Hotlink Protection?

What is Hotlink Protection

Many time we face excessive bandwidth usage  issue because of illegal access or someone embeds content from your site in another site, to stop such issue, we can enable “Hotlink protection” from cPanel, so that no one can embeds  your valuable content without your permission.

How To Enable hotlink protection

To enable hotlink protection simply perform the following steps carefully.

Login into the cPanel and click on “Hotlink Protection” present under the “Security” section.

Hotlink protection
To enable Hotlink protection Click Enable”.

Enable hotlink protection

To allow specific sites to hotlink to your site, add their URLs to the List the URLs to which you wish to allow access list.

White list your domain
White list your domain using above configuration box.
  1. To block direct access to files of specific types, add those file extensions to the Block direct access for the following extensions list.
    • For example, to block all .jpg images, add .jpg to the Block direct access for the following extensions list.
    • When you block these file types, others cannot hotlink those types of files from your website, regardless of any other settings.
  2. To allow visitors access to specific content through the URL, select the Allow direct requests option.
    • For example, if you enable this option, a visitor could enter http://www.example.com/folder/example.jpg as a URL to access the example.jpg file.
  3. To redirect requests for certain content, enter the URL to which you want to redirect your visitor in the Redirect the request to the following URL text box.
  4. Click Submit.

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Senior technical writer