CageFS is a virtualized file system and it’s providing security layer to the Server admin from hackers because in normal file system hackers can easily compromise the content under all the users hosting account present under the same user, hacker simply upload the hacking script under one of the compromised hosting account and hack all the accounts, for example replaced all the users index page with the hacked page which is very common attack on hosting servers, to secure the server from such attacks , its always better to configure the servers with the CageFS file system
CageFS file system is restiricting the access for one user to another users files, you won’t be able to access,edit or delete the files present under another user hosting account, the advantage of CageFS filesystem is as follows.
1. Only safe and allowed binaries are available to user , no other binaries can be access by user.
For example if the wget binary is not allowed for the user, then wget can’t accessible from the user but its present on the server which can accessed by the root user only.
2. User will not see any other users files,hosting account.
3. User will not be able to see server configuration files, such as Apache,Mysql, PHP config files etc.
4. Userβs will have limited view of /proc file system, and will not be able to see otherβ users processes