Install TeamSpeak on cPanel server

To install the TeamSpeak on the cPanel server, first login in to the WHM and install “cPanel Game Server Management” plugin from the WHM >>  Main >> cPanel >> Manage Plugins section.

As soon as “cPanel Game Server Management” cpgs installed from the WHM login in to the shell and follow the following steps one by one.

Add new user

useradd teamspeak

Now set the password for the teamspeak user

passwd teamspeak

Now switch to the user teamspeak

su teamspeak

cd /home/teamspeak

Now download the latest TeamSpeak tar file.


Untar the latest  TeamSpeak tar file

tar -jxvf ts2_server_rc2_20201.tar.bz2

Now change the directory

cd tss2_rc2
In the above directory the start script is present which is used to start the TeamSpeak
./teamspeak2-server_startscript start
Now confirm that Teamspeak is running
./teamspeak2-server_startscript status
 To stop the Teamspeak refer the following command
./teamspeak2-server_startscript stop
To check the default super admin and admin password run the command
./teamspeak2-server_startscript passwords
Above command will show you the following result.
superadmin = "234as!@"
admin      = "@#asas"
Superadmin is user name and password is 234as!@, similarly admin is user name and @#asas is a password.
Now make sure that following ports are open in the server firewall.


To access the super admin control panel refer the following URL


For admin user refer the following URL


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Senior technical writer