What is the difference between Samba and NFS servers?
This is the basic question which is asked in past thousands of time in recent but its come again and again. The actual major difference between samba and nfs is by configuring the Samba server, we can access the file from Linux to
Window and Window to Linux but by using the NFS server we can’t access it.
Samba’s SMB protocol permits the server machine to handle authentication, thus it will decide what files the shopper has access to supported the actual machine and user connecting. NFS by default trusts all shopper machines completely (it’s extremely not meant to share files to unsecured workstations) and lets the shopper machines handle authentication all on their own (once associate degree NFS server has been told to simply accept connections from a shopper machine the shopper does not need to any extent further server-side authentication, and
can do something it needs with the file system NFS offers it access to).