Connect and publish files by using Frontpage

different types of EC2 instances

Following are the steps to connect the Frontpage and publish the sites files/folders.

1.Begin by starting Microsoft FrontPage Explorer from your Windows Start Menu.

2.Select Open Web… from the File… menu. This will open the Open Web dialogue.

3.In the Open Web dialogue, select the My Network Places icon.

4.Now, enter into the Web Name field. Click Open to continue.

5.You will now be presented with a pop-up window entitled Enter Network Password.Enter your cPanel or FTP Username and Password without any space. Click OK to continue.

6.FrontPage Explorer will open a Folder List window at the left-hand edge of the Explorer screen that will contain the entire directory structure for your webspace.

7.To edit pages using FrontPage, double-click any of the web pages listed in the Folder List. A new FrontPage window will open for each page you select.

8. To upload newly-modified pages to the web, select File… then save… from the FrontPage Explorer tool bar. Your web pages will automatically reflect your latest changes.

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