Check server is compatible with Magento or not

Its very difficult for non technical person to verify, if server suitable for Magento or not. In that case simply create the new test php page with the following code in the public_html directory and browse the Magento test page with the domain. For example we are creating the magentotest.php under the public_html directory.

root@server1 [~]#pico magentotest.php
Now insert the following code in the magentotest.php file.


function extension_check($extensions) {
    $fail = ”;
    $pass = ”;

    if(version_compare(phpversion(), ‘5.2.0’, ‘<‘)) {
        $fail .= ‘<li>You need<strong> PHP 5.2.0</strong> (or greater)</li>’;
    else {
        $pass .='<li>You have<strong> PHP 5.2.0</strong> (or greater)</li>’;

    if(!ini_get(‘safe_mode’)) {
        $pass .='<li>Safe Mode is <strong>off</strong></li>’;
        preg_match(‘/[0-9]\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/’, shell_exec(‘mysql -V’), $version);

        if(version_compare($version[0], ‘4.1.20’, ‘<‘)) {
            $fail .= ‘<li>You need<strong> MySQL 4.1.20</strong> (or greater)</li>’;
        else {
            $pass .='<li>You have<strong> MySQL 4.1.20</strong> (or greater)</li>’;
    else { $fail .= ‘<li>Safe Mode is <strong>on</strong></li>’;  }

    foreach($extensions as $extension) {
        if(!extension_loaded($extension)) {
            $fail .= ‘<li> You are missing the <strong>’.$extension.'</strong> extension</li>’;
        else{    $pass .= ‘<li>You have the <strong>’.$extension.'</strong> extension</li>’;

    if($fail) {
        echo ‘<p><strong>Your server does not meet the following requirements in order to install Magento.</strong>’;
        echo ‘<br>The following requirements failed, please contact your hosting provider in order to receive assistance with meeting the system requirements for Magento:’;
        echo ‘<ul>’.$fail.'</ul></p>’;
        echo ‘The following requirements were successfully met:’;
        echo ‘<ul>’.$pass.'</ul>’;
    } else {
        echo ‘<p><strong>Congratulations!</strong> Your server meets the requirements for Magento.</p>’;
        echo ‘<ul>’.$pass.'</ul>’;


Now browse the magentotest.php file with the domain name like , if server support the Magento installation it will give you the following result

Congratulations! Your server meets the requirements for Magento.

And if the server won’t meets the requirement for the Magento it will throw the error message what exactly is missing, for example in the following result shell_exec is disabled on the server therefore you can’t install the Magento, you must enable the shell_exec function to install the Magento

Warning: shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/test/public_html/magentotest.php on line 28
Your server does not meet the following requirements in order to install Magento.




If you have any problem to copy the code from the above thread then refer to the following URL to download the code

About Anant 389 Articles
Senior technical writer