To check the server performance and Apache uptime many time we use the following command to check the current status for the Apache.
/etc/init.d/httpd status
We can also use the following command to check Apache status
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl status
In above commands, the output shows that LYNX command is not found and to resolve the following error make sure that correct lynx path is defined in /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl file as well as make sure that lynx command is installed or not by using the following command.
rpm -qa | grep lynx
If the above command gives error message, it means the lynx command is installed , in that case install lynx command and run the command once again.
Check the serer OS and bit and then select the respective OS rpm from the following URL and install the lynx command.
If you are having any issue to install the lynx then refer to following URL for LYNX installation GUIDELINE
Once you downloaded the zip file for the lynx run the following commands.
For example download the zip file
cd /usr/local/src/
tar -xvf lynx-2.8.7.dev11.tar.gz
cd lynx-2.8.7.dev11
make install
Now check
which lynx