Install podcast generator

Install podcast generator

What is Podcast generator?

Podcast Generator (PG) is an open source Content Management System written in PHP and specifically designed for podcast publishing. It provides the user with the tools to easily manage all of the aspects related to the publication of a podcast, from the upload of episodes to its submission to the iTunes store.

What make its a Powerful and Simplicity? 

Publishing an episode using Podcast generator is as simple as uploading a file through the web browser “as if it was a webmail attachment”. Podcast generator  automatically generates or updates a W3C-compliant RSS podcast feed and produces a dynamic website that includes a list of the most recent podcasts, a podcast archive and a streaming media player. In this way not only are podcast episodes available via RSS, but also through the website, thus gaining an increased discoverability and visibility in search engines. To do so, Podcast generator  fully implements the sharing capabilities of some among the most popular social networks (Facebook, Google+ and Twitter) and adopts SEO techniques such as permalinks and open graph meta tags.

How to install Podcast generator?

  1. Download the latest version of Podcast Generator.
  2. Unzip the zip package containing the script.
  3. Upload the resulting files and folders to your web server.
  4. Point your web browser to the URL corresponding to the location where Podcast Generator files were uploaded (e.g. You will be redirected automatically to the 3-step setup wizard, complete the setup wizard with required information.
  5. Log-in into Podcast Generator administration area and start publishing your podcast.

If you are using cPanel control panel with softaculous, then you can also install Podcast generator from cPanel >> softaculous in few clicks only.

For demo , kindly refer following URL Podcast_Generator




About Anant 413 Articles
Senior technical writer